Periodontics Disease Treatment in Salem, OR

Periodontics Disease Treatment in Salem, OR

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is the inflammation of gums and bone structure surrounding the teeth primarily caused by bacterial infections. In the initial stages, it is known as gingivitis, which involves red and bleeding gums. If left untreated, this matures to form a serious periodontal disease in Salem, OR, which may result in teeth loss. 

What Causes Periodontal Disease?

Due to poor oral hygiene, bacteria and sugary food form a yellow sticky substance, called plaque, on the teeth. If not brushed or flossed properly, plaque hardens with time to tartar and spreads toward the gum line, developing pockets between the teeth and gums. These pockets fill with bacteria and infect the bones supporting the teeth, loosening them in the process. In the long run, this causes teeth loss.

What are the Symptoms of Periodontal Disease?

  • The first symptom of periodontal disease is the accumulation of plaque that becomes harder to remove by normal brushing. 
  • Swollen and red or purplish gums
  • Tender gums, bleeding even when touched slightly
  • A persisting bad breath and a metallic taste in the mouth that does not go even after brushing
  • Gaps in between teeth 
  • Wrong fit while biting and painful chewing
  • Receding gums, making the teeth look longer

Risk Factors for Developing Periodontal Disease

When it comes to periodontal disease in Salem, OR, there are several risk factors that can increase your chances of developing this condition. One primary factor is poor oral hygiene habits. Not brushing and flossing regularly allows plaque to build up on your teeth, leading to gum inflammation and potential infection.

Smoking is another significant risk factor for periodontal disease. Tobacco use weakens the immune system's ability to fight off infections, making smokers more susceptible to gum disease. Genetics also play a role in determining an individual's susceptibility to periodontitis.

Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can increase the risk of developing gum disease due to compromised immune function and difficulty regulating blood sugar levels. Additionally, hormonal changes in women, especially during pregnancy or menopause, can make gums more sensitive and prone to inflammation.

Other factors like stress, poor diet, and certain medications can also contribute to the development of periodontal disease in Salem, OR. It's essential to be aware of these risk factors and take proactive steps to maintain good oral health.

Preventing Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease can be controlled by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. Routine visits to the dentist in Salem, OR, at Cascade Dental Group LLC, to deep clean your teeth can prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth and, thus, periodontal disease. 

Treatment of Periodontal Disease

In the first appointment, the dentist in 97302, measures the depth of pockets in between the teeth and gums using a dental probe. If the pockets are 4 mm deep or more, dental x-rays are taken to check the pockets and detect periodontitis. 

Periodontal disease in Salem, OR, can be treated either surgically or non-surgically.

Non-surgical Treatments

The hardened tartar can be removed from your teeth by scaling them. After this, root planing smoothes the root surfaces removing bacteria and preventing any further bacterial growth. Antibiotic mouthwashes and gels are prescribed to eliminate bacterial infection.

Surgical Treatments

Flap surgery involves making a small cut on the gum and exposing the roots to have a closer look. The bone that is lost due to infection is redrafted, and gum tissues are sealed up.

Soft tissue and bone grafting are performed when many tissues or bones are lost. Tissues are taken from other parts of the body and then grafted in place. Synthetic or donated bone tissues are grafted, and this prevents teeth loss. Contact us to learn more!

If you want to learn more about us, feel free to contact our dental office today to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Salem, OR. Our doctors and team are always here to help your smile stay healthy!


1296 Commercial St SE, Suite 102, Salem, OR 97302

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TUE - WED 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

THU - SAT 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Phone: (503) 399-0724