
5 Helpful Tips To Ease Dental Fear

Dental anxiety is the fear of visiting the dentist. People suffering from dental anxiety experience overwhelming fear and nervousness during dental visits.

The Effects of Dental Fear

For many people, dental fear can have a significant impact on their overall well-being. The effects of dental fear go beyond just avoiding appointments - it can lead to serious oral health issues down the line. 

When dental anxiety prevents individuals from seeking regular check-ups and treatments, it increases the risk of developing more severe dental problems in the future. Untreated issues like cavities or gum disease can escalate into painful conditions that require extensive procedures.

Moreover, neglecting oral health due to fear can also affect one's confidence and self-esteem. Dental problems such as tooth decay or bad breath may hinder social interactions and cause embarrassment.

In some cases, persistent dental fear can lead to deteriorating physical health as well. Chronic stress and anxiety related to dental visits can contribute to elevated blood pressure levels and other negative impacts on overall health.

Addressing dental fear is crucial not only for maintaining good oral health but also for promoting general well-being and confidence in daily life. Contact us to learn more!

Tips To Ease Dental Fear

Speak up about your fears

The best way to overcome dental fear is to let our dentist in Salem, OR, at Cascade Dental Group LLC know all about your anxiety before your appointment. The dentist can talk to you about your specific fears and help you work through them. If you let the dentist in Salem, OR, know about your fears and concerns ahead of time, they can plan your appointment accordingly. They may even be able to prescribe you some anti-anxiety medication to calm you down.

Bring a friend with you

You may also want to ask someone to come with you to your appointment. Having someone there to talk to and hold your hand can help you calm your nerves. This person can also remind you to take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, or smile to help distract you from the procedure at hand.

Agree on a signal

Discuss a signal with our dentist 97302. For example, you can raise your hand as a way to let our dentist know that you need a break. It could be anything that works for you — as long as you both agree on the signal ahead of time. That way, you’ll be prepared and won’t be as stressed out at your next checkup.

Bring distractions

Bringing a distraction can be a useful tool in easing your dental fear. Consider bringing headphones to listen to your favorite music or audiobook, or simply bring your phone if it’s allowed and distract yourself with social media or games on it. You can also bring a tablet to watch a show on Netflix during your appointment, as long as it isn’t distracting you from your treatment. If your concerns are about the environment in the dental office, you can also ask your hygienist if you can bring a comfort item from home, such as a stuffed animal or a hoodie, to feel more at ease.

Consider sedation dentistry

Sedation dentistry is for patients who experience overwhelming anxiety and fear during dental treatments. This anxiety can cause patients to miss their appointments and postpone treatment. It can also result in a severe gag reflex and even panic attacks while in the dentist’s chair. When patients avoid regular dental care due to these fears, they are more likely to suffer from tooth decay and the need for root canal therapy or tooth extraction. The best way to combat these problems is through sedation dentistry.

If you’ve tried everything you can to get through your procedure but are still feeling anxious, consider asking our dentist about sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is the use of medications to relax and calm a patient during a procedure. As a result, the patient feels more relaxed and less nervous during his or her appointment. Ask our dentist in Salem, OR, if this option is right for you.

If you want to learn more about us, feel free to contact our dental office today to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Salem, OR. Our doctors and team are always here to help your smile stay healthy!


1296 Commercial St SE, Suite 102, Salem, OR 97302

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